Per la prima volta in Italia anticipiamo l’evento che si terrà
14-17 luglio 2015 in provincia di Trento
9° In Vino Analytica Scientia Symposium
We are pleased to inform you that IVAS2015 symposium website has been launched: è
The 9th In Vino Analytica Scientia Symposium highlights the role of analytical science in understanding the chemistry of grapes, wines and spirits. It will provide an unique opportunity for researchers to present the latest developments on modern instrumental wine analytics, including metabolomics, chemometrics and sensory evaluation.
Topics 2015:
- Chemical analysis and composition of grapes, wines and spirits
- Chemical and biochemical reactions
- Metabolomics, Chemometrics and Authenticity of products
- Sensory analysis
Venue: Mezzocorona (Palarotari), Italy
Further information will be continuously added to the website!
Important dates:
July 31, 2014 First announcement = save the date info
September 30, 2014 Second announcement = call for Abstract +Poster + registration
November 30, 2014 Abstract submission deadline
May 15, 2015 Reduced fee deadline
July 14-17, 2015 Symposium
In name of the Organizers – Fondazione Edmund Mach, Research and Innovation Centre and Laimburg Research Centre for Agricolture – we look forward to your participation in IVAS 2015.
IVAS2015 Secretariat Team Communication and PR Research and Innovation Centre – Fondazione Edmund Mach Via E. Mach, 1 – 38010 San Michele all’Adige (Trento), Italy e-mail:

About Fabrizio Demattè
Consigliere dell'Ordine Trentino Alto Adige dal 2009, referente per la formazione ECM, già referente per il GdL REACH/CLP, RTD.
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